Monday, May 5, 2014

How to Homeschool?

How to homeschool? A question many parents find themselves asking. When I first began homeschooling, I remember asking anyone I knew that homeschooled, how they did it. I also got on message boards and blogs, looking for advice and tips about what it would be like and how to get started. Today, I am the one answering those types of questions and sharing my tips and support with other like-minded parents. So, what do I say to those moms and dads that are thinking about or wanting to homeschool? I say to anyone considering or starting to homeschool, to ask yourselves why you want to homeschool. Make a list of what you feel would be the pros and cons of homeschooling for you. The truth is, homeschooling is trial and error, but with a little bit of patience, you can do it. Homeschooling is very rewarding and worth every bit of effort (;

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