Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Don't be afraid to mix it up

Don’t be afraid to mix it up

While a boxed or complete homeschool curriculum might be easiest for the parent, it is possible that it just doesn’t fit your child’s learning style. Homeschooling is all about flexibility and that means that sometimes you just can’t force your round student into a square curriculum.

It is perfectly acceptable to pick and choose each subject and the manner in which that subject will be taught. Maybe your child is dyslexic and so a traditional language arts/reading program just won’t work, but the math from the same curriculum provider is a great fit for your student. You might have to have a more specialized language arts from another provider.

Those homeschoolers who choose their curriculum from many different sources are known as eclectic homeschoolers. Being an eclectic homeschooler means that you can individualize your child’s education and make each subject into just what your child needs to succeed.

Consider this, my daughter’s core curriculum is an interactive online curriculum, her foreign language is from a popular provider of foreign language instruction that comes in a yellow box. Her science is currently from a provider of traditional science curriculum for middle schools, and her physical education is at a dojo and a stable. We use each of these sources of instruction because it is what works for my daughter today. If tomorrow she needs something else, I will feel free to change to what she needs. Ah, the beauty of eclectic home schooling!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Linda, thanks for your kind comments. I so agree with your comment above about individualising our children's education. It's sad that so many children fall through the cracks when they are foreced to fit into a one size fits all type of education.
