Saturday, February 18, 2012

Math, making it real!

Some students find math difficult; even to the point of developing math anxiety.  Sometimes it is because the topic really is difficult, like long division. Sometimes it is because the math they are studying on the paper, or online, seems to have little relationship to the world they see around them.

My daughter hates to study geometry and balks at the very mention of the word, yet will gladly incorporate geometry principles when she is drawing things she sees in the world around her. She dislikes fractions, but loves to use recipes. Decimals and percent give her fits when she is studying it as a subject, but she can tell you how to figure a tip in a restaurant in her head.

My daughter dislikes the theoretical study of math but when you put that math in a real world application she has no problem applying the theoretical to the reality. If I can remember that when math lessons are presented then it would go a long way to getting my daughter to learn the math lessons.

If your child has trouble with the theoretical lesson, step away from the theoretical and make it real. Show them how many quarters a half a dollar is, or how many cups go into a gallon pitcher. Point out angles and lines and tangents in real world settings. Make math real and you might just make it really easy for your child!

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