Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Sixth grade Curriculum - Field Trips

Sixth Grade Curriculum - Field trips

Field trips can be an important part of your child’s sixth grade curriculum. Field trips do not need to be long, involved, expensive excursions to pricey destinations. Field trips are important because they provide another pathway for your child to learn besides a classroom, or a book, or the computer. It is a way to get physically engaged with subject matter, and help secure information into long term memory, not to mention that field trips are just plain fun! For short field trips that can be accomplished in a small amount of time, consider something like a trip to your local pet store. The purpose would be to see animals from different biomes and ecosystems, and discuss habitat, and specific adaptations. Similarly, a garden center is a short field trip that will allow your child to see plants in different stages of growth, and from different environments. Allow your child to do research on the internet to back up what they saw. Don’t forget to take field trips to your local historical sites. Almost every part of the country has a unique history that is expressed in the architecture of local homes, historic monuments such as battle fields, or state museums. More elaborate field trips might include overnight, or vacation travel to museums, activities, or celebrations out of your local area. Take advantage of the flexibility your might have as homeschoolers and use field trips to make your lessons come alive.


  1. Hi Linda,
    I just read your comment on my blog which posted several weeks ago. Somehow it had been added to my "Spam" list. Strange!

    Yes, I homeschool our youngest dd who is a Jr. this year. This is only our 2nd year to do this and we consider it a great success. I'm figuring it all out as we go and dd absolutely loves the concept of schooling at home, so it is a win/win for us. I'm certainly no expert but I have figured out what works for us. I have found the homeschooling community very friendly and willing to share their ideas and suggestions which has been a big help to us since we began "so late in the game".

  2. Thanks for commenting over here!. Isn't the homeschooling community great? Part of the beauty of homeschooling is that we can find what works for us, and for our students, and customize according to their needs. What works for us might not work for you, but in the end, we still have homeschooling in common! Again, thanks for commenting over here, I don't get very many on this blog:)
