Sunday, May 1, 2011

Sixth grade Math - Fractions

Sixth grade math - Fractions

Your sixth grader has learned how to do the basic functions with whole numbers. Addition and subtraction of large numbers should be becoming easier and less intimidating. Multiplication tables should be pretty well cemented into memory for ease in doing the more complex and lengthy problems of sixth grade math  Many students are introduced to fractions in fourth and fifth grades. In the lower grades fractions usually are dealing mostly with equivalent fractions, learning that one-half, two-fourths, and three-sixths all mean the same thing. Also in the lower grades some basic understanding that some fractions are larger or smaller than others, and how to recognize the difference in size is taught. By sixth grade fractions take on a whole new life. Your child will come across mixed fractions, and improper fractions, and how to convert from one form to another. My child loves this, but some children don’t, so allow extra time for learning this process. Additionally, by sixth grade, your child will need to understand addition and subtraction of like fractions as well as know how to find greatest common factors, least common denominators, and reciprocal fractions. This is in preparation for learning how to multiply and divide fractions. Accomplishing these tasks by the end of the sixth grade year needs to be part of your game plan for sixth grade math.

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