Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Sixth grade Language Arts - Reading

Sixth grade--reading

Ok, so by now your sixth grader can probably read. It is tempting to move away from specifically studying reading and just let the reading for other subjects stand in place of that. As tempting as it is, sixth grade is not the time to slack off on teaching reading skills. As your child begins the middle school years, more demands will be made on his ability to read and understand what he reads. Reading comprehension is sometimes a difficult subject to teach as a whole subject. It might be easier to break reading down into its component parts. Vocabulary building is important to reading but it is not the only language arts skill necessary for good reading comprehension. Believe it or not, being able to write outlines, and book reports and summaries are important parts of building comprehension. As your child goes forward in their academic career being able to access and use the information she gains in reading is crucial. Your sixth grader is going to be exposed to more types of reading. It is not unusual during this school year for your child to read biographies and autobiographies, as well as works of fiction and instructional content. There will always be more to read and understanding what is read is just the beginning.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Sixth grade Langugage Arts - Spelling

Sixth grade--spelling

Sixth grade is the time when your child branches out, learning more than just the basic spelling lists. Your sixth grader is going to need to take what they have learned to this point, and expand their knowledge. Important in this school year will be more concentration in learning root words. And then taking those root words and adding suffixes or prefixes to those roots, to create more complex words. As teachers to our children, this is one of those years where we will have to help them remember the words they have learned. There are several ways to help your child improve on and retain their spelling words, which method you choose to help your child will depend on your child’s own individual learning abilities and strengths. At our house we love games of all sorts. Sometimes a game is a board game like Scrabble, and other times it is online spelling games. We also use things like word ladders to reinforce spelling families. There is plenty of pressure on your sixth grader from many directions. Try to make spelling fun and you might be surprised when your child is willing to play along.